Wednesday, January 6, 2016

My Favorite Games to play with my Grandparents

I have many favorite games, but all my favorite games get narrowed down when my grandparents. I like to play the White Bowl Game. The White Bowl Game is a game my family made up with the Nicholson's. It is almost like charades, but the only thing that is different is you don't act out you discribe the object and your team guesses the thing. You try to get as many as you can get in 60 seconds. The second game I like to play with my grandparents is Chicken Foot. It is played with dominoes and you start with the highest double there is and then you have to get there other dominoes on the starter double. Then you match the right domino to the corresponding domino on the dominoes that have been already played. Then you are trying to get down to zero dominoes. Then when scoring you get minus five if you went out first. Oh and my very last game I like to play is Mexican Trains. Mexican Trains is a game you also play with dominoes. You play the highest double to start and depending on how many people are playing, everybody has to play the same number and then you keep adding on to it. If you can't go you draw and if you can't go from there you can put your train out and if somebody else that is playing has a number that matches the double that was played, then they can start the train for you. For Mexican Train and Chicken Foot all you need is a set of 12 or a set of 15 dominoes. That's all for you this time and later tonight I will be talking about other things I do when my grandparents are in town.

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