Monday, January 4, 2016

Snow and the Winter

I love the snow and so does my dog. Why my dog likes the snow is because she likes to eat the snow when she gets thirsty. So I would toss the ball and she would get thirsty and eat the snow. My dog also likes pouncing and jumping into the snow face first because she gets so happy that she is outside. Sometimes I will use a manual ball tosser and scoop up snow and through it at my dog and she loves it. In the winter time I also like to make snowman and put them in a cat and watch them melt. Also I like to make a fort and have a snowball fight. I have the snowball fight with Samantha and I on a team and my sister Sophia and her friend Renee. Sometimes I make a super big snowball and hide it till Sophia and Renee are making more snowballs and I through it right at there butts and it gets them. Then Samantha and I laugh, but when we are laughing we are sitting down so Sophia and Renee can't get to us. It is so much fun because Samantha and I always win. There is one more thing that I like to do in the Winter time. I love to jump on my trampoline with snow on it because you go up and land in the snow, but this year my dad chose to take out the netting in the middle so that we wouldn't ruin it. So this year I am going to jump into the center of the trampoline and land on the snow that is on the ground. It probably won't be as fun, but I ill make it fun somehow. Next I will talk about the first day back from winter break.

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